Living with a disability requires the individual and their carer to make particular arrangements and tweaks around the house to make it more accessible. 


Thankfully, technological improvements and innovation have made it possible for homes to be both accessible as well as aesthetically pleasing. 


Here are some tips and tricks on how you can make your home more accessible for elderly or disabled people. 


1. Look for an open plan accommodation


An open-plan layout enables you to navigate your apartment without worrying about any potential injuries. Such a layout makes it easier to go around the house using a wheelchair, rollator or crutches.


2. Make sure that the entrances and doorways are wide 


If you’re using a mobility aid, you need a door that’s wide enough to fit that aid. Make sure that you work with an architect or an interior designer that understands your needs so that the overall layout, entrances and doorways work for you.


3. Opt for easy-to-reach countertops


Making sure that your countertops, sinks, cupboards, drawers and appliances are within reach is crucial, as this will enable you to lead a more independent life


4. Consider the use of aids 


Equipment such as shower mats, grab rails, bath stools, toilet raisers, reachers, footstools, specialised cutlers, and kettle tippers greatly facilitate the lives of people with disabilities and elderly adults. Most aids on the market come in neutral colours, making them inconspicuous. 


5. Make sure that you choose an apartment with a spacious bathroom


Small bathrooms are a nightmare for individuals with mobility issues. Therefore, having an apartment with a spacious bathroom helps both you and your carer, as you can easily add aids and other attachments that facilitate bathing and grooming. 


6. Consider a place with a lift


Lifts are a godsend for people with disabilities and elderly adults. Having a lift ensures that you can get out of the house and have a social life without depending too much on a carer. 


7. Make sure that there’s adequate lighting in all rooms


This prevents unnecessary injuries and accidents from taking place. Natural light also improves your mental and physical well-being – therefore, choosing a south-facing apartment or house can be a gamechanger. 


8. Avoid the use of slippery materials for flooring


Some flooring materials are naturally more smooth and glossy – making them more slippery and therefore, less safe. Use a textured floor tile instead of slippery materials to ensure that your apartment is one-hundred-percent slip-proof.